Monday, December 17, 2018

Shopping and Bowling

This evening there was a branch activity for adults, but kids could come if needs be. Bonnie wasn't interested, so I took Amy as my date!

Only one other couple showed up to play, but we had a great time! This was Amy's first time without bumpers. She more than doubled her first game's score on her second game--she's starting to get the hang of it.

Amy about to approach. She only bowled the ball back toward us once! 😂

The bowling alley had this awesome airhockey table! It wasn't the time, but someday, I'd love to play this! How fun!

But that was the evening. During the day, we headed out to do our Christmas shopping! We also did some clothes shopping as we had some dire needs. Like socks! For almost everyone! :-)

Here's the little Christmas tree we got with the present's round the tree! We don't have all of our Christmas shopping done, but most of it.

It's been interesting trying to Christmas shop. Anything someone gets, they'll need to pack. I think many will have to choose what to get rid of because tubs started packed full to begin with. When we pack up in January, it will be... interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I have let the bowling ball go backwards before. Once isn't bad.
